As I sit here - on MARCH 6th - I can see the snow falling in our back yard. That's right - snow. This has been one of the strangest winters I have ever had! I guess it IS north Texas, right? We've had 75+ degree weather, snow, hail, and just about everything in between these last couple of months. I'm not exactly pleased about the snow. At least I know that it won't last too long!
Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers while we were sick. We are finally starting to feel better. Not 100% yet, for sure, but at least on the road to recovery. It's been a rough few weeks! I honestly don't ever remember being this sick. Our medications have tapered off, and I'm down to one little prescription. So there is hope. :)
As it is March (nevermind how in the world is it MARCH already??), I thought I would revisit my resolutions for 2008. I'm happy to report, I'm doing well! The 'ol journal is up to date. (OK, I have to admit, I missed a few days, but other than that, I'm back on track). I'm also happy to report that I am 34.1% of the way through the Old Testament! It's been really a lot more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be! I love the stories and how they flow together, and I'm learning so much!
And as for no more soda? I think I'm past the craving stage! I don't really find myself missing it very often anymore. Glad about that!
Dan and I are trying to decide where we want to go on vacation this year. Want to help us out? Vote over there on the right! Right now, we're thinking about Beijing - what do you think?
I guess that's it for now. Yup, it's still snowing.