Here we go with more photos of the day.
Tuesday, 3/24: Shopping day, so you know what that means: clipping coupons!
Wednesday, 3/25: Bella. Doing what she always does: follow me around.
Thursday, 3/26: new haircut!! A bit (ok, quite a bit) shorter than I wanted, but it's growing on me. No pun intended.
Friday, 3/27: and now for the almost-disaster. We were watching TV last night and Bentley was outside as always. Dan was worried because he had been out there for a long time. I wasn't concerned until Dan calls from the backyard - "The gate's open!" Dan ran to the front door and I went out the back door calling his name. We are so lucky that he ran right to Dan and came inside. We're not sure how long he was loose, but we are so grateful that he is home safe.
Scary! I know I am always worried that Oscar will somehow get away or run over.
I like the haircut - nice. I'm glad the dog is safe.
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